Asking stupid, insulting questions

I am a huge movie buff and really appreciate great talent, and so it is with utter bewilderment to me that reporters ask such insulting questions. Kudos to Jennifer Lawrence for handling herself with such authenticity and humour. We could all learn a few lessons from her!


Tell a different story

The way we talk about our situations really does contribute to the outcome. What are your “favorite” stories and how do they help or hinder you?


Change your shoes

We can become entrenched in our attitudes and beliefs. Change viewpoints … assume you are one of your team members and watch your energy shift. If you are having difficulty with this one, find a pair of shoes that are quite different and walk around in them for a while. Symbolically this might help you shift your perspective and energy and communicate differently with your team members.

Today’s blog is based on the 4 of diamonds, a communications teamwork tip from our Teamwork Explorer.

Go on a story walk

I was inspired to read about Hubspot’s CEO, Brian Halligan, who takes employees on off site “story walks” to build trust and organizational culture.


Enjoy every moment


The heart of anxiety

Well today’s blog is not all that inspiring but hopefully it provides you with some insight. It’s adapted from one of Chip Conley’s emotional equations. When I am able to truly live in the present, my anxiety does fade into the background.


How to kill an idea

Just utter one of these very overused phrases and watch the energy get sucked out of the room.


Heading for the clouds

Just last month marked the 21st anniversary of the first Canadian woman in space, Roberta Bondar. I can’t imagine what that would have been like!


What’s the leader’s role in creativity?

One of our favourite workshops to facilitate is creativity and some leaders get nervous about the idea of holding back on critical analysis of their employees’ wild ideas. For some, the idea of defining the boundaries or playing field helps them empower their people while allowing them to sleep at night 😉


What type of change leader are you?

Today’s visual was inspired by a provocative blog that suggested leaders fall into two main styles when leading change. While I’m not sure about there only being two styles, what I do agree with is the notion that we need to figure out our style and remain true to that.
