How Effective is Training Over Zoom?

In this COVID-19 time, while many of our clients were canceling training programs, StarFish Medical continued investing in their staff by offering the scheduled training programs virtually.

In fact, Dave and I were very appreciative we could take advantage of a unique opportunity to hold two versions of the same program. One had already been held in person and we transitioned the second to a virtual session on the Zoom platform. This blog shares the lessons learned about in-person vs. virtual training during that experience.

The first time I was challenged to provide a learning opportunity to people at a distance was in 1991. I was teaching a continuing education course for the University of Calgary and there were 25 participants from across Alberta. We were using audio teleconference technology, and I delivered the session from a studio on campus, assisted by someone who handled the technology.

At the time, I was skeptical that this could be an effective or enjoyable experience for them or me, but I was in the middle of completing a PhD in adult learning and so relied on those principles to guide me. I discovered I was so wrong, and, over the years, I have floated back and forth between in-person and virtual learning experiences, both as a facilitator and learner.

Aside from this anecdote dating me terribly, the way I approach learning opportunities for people, whether in person or virtually, remains much the same. I continue to rely on adult learning principles, take the time to become familiar with the ever-changing technology if I’m delivering the session virtually, share who I am, and relax about the things that could go wrong.

In-Person and Virtual Reactions

The reactions to the sessions delivered in person and virtually were more or less the same – people were appreciative of the leadership systems thinking tool we introduced and the opportunities to apply it to their direct work context in dialogue with others.  It’s important to note that StarFish has invested in providing leadership training opportunities to all their staff, not just those in supervisory or management roles, and so we had a mix of functions/roles in both the in-person and virtual training session. Both sessions provided a rich opportunity for learning across functions about the dynamic nature of working and leading in complex environments.

What was most interesting, though, is that the virtual environment uncovered some additional layers of learning and interaction that did not come up in the in-person session. StarFish Director of People & Culture, Pamela Potts, attended both sessions: “This training series is an important cultural initiative for StarFish.  We didn’t want to delay it.  The first session was a “hybrid” session with some people in a room and some people on-line.  Inevitably, in a hybrid situation, one audience, usually the virtual one, is neglected in favor of the other, usually the in-person audience.  This format eliminated that whole problem. Virtual training leveled the playing field for our employees.”

Brainstorming – We provided a demonstration of the tool by doing a group brainstorm. During the in-person session, the brainstorm took a while to get going. During the virtual brainstorm, we asked people to type their answers into the chat and then I translated that to the shared whiteboard I was using. It seemed to me that we got more and faster participation using the chat function. My hypothesis is that the chat function is a bit “safer” than speaking out verbally in a session. Much has been written about the idea that virtual environments can be a more effective environment for introverts and that in-person activities can privilege extraverts.

Handling Questions – I found that questions from participants were more seamlessly built into the conversation virtually. We invited people to type their questions into the chat at any time and one of us monitored the chat and prompted the one presenting to answer a question. While we sometimes get this type of interaction in face to face environments, I wonder if, as with the point above, we privilege extraversion in the face to face environments.

Visual Learning – As part of a pairs break-out session, we had participants complete a mapping exercise. During the in-person training, we had people report out on the map, but we did not share those maps as we could not physically do this efficiently or easily in the training room. During the virtual session, pairs showed the “whiteboard” they had created while reporting out. Given that most of us are visual learners, this facilitated a greater understanding of the maps each pair had created.

Break-outs – A final surprising positive outcome in the virtual session is that the breakout rooms were more effective than the pairs conversation in the in-person environment! As several folks noted:

  • moving into and out of breakout rooms was very efficient in zoom compared to being in a meeting room
  • the breakout rooms actually work better than in person

Downsides – I noted a couple of downsides. One is related to the detailed planning that is needed on the part of the facilitator (more on that later). The second was pointed out by one of the participants:

  • downside of Zoom for me is the risk of multitasking

I am currently enrolled in a program being delivered online and I relate to this last comment. I need to work harder at remaining present in an online environment than I typically do in person.

 Top Tips for Virtual Sessions

  1. Apply adult learning principles to your design – When I prepare for a training session, whether in person or virtually, the guiding questions that distill the essence of adult learning principles for me are:
  • How can participants interact with the concepts?
  • How can I chunk this into 20-minute bites?
  • How can participants apply this to their work situation?
  • How can I incorporate what participants know?

The overall design for this session was the same in person as it was virtual. Tips #2 and #3 are key, though, in ensuring this design could work virtually.

  1. Take the time to learn the technology – We did an orientation with the technology and walked through our activities and how they would work. We spent a fair bit of time playing with the various features and anticipating transitions between activities. I also spent time setting up my work area so that the video was centered on me (not the ceiling!) and ensuring that the headset I used worked well.
  2. Extra hands are needed depending upon the level of interaction – Pamela provided great insight here suggesting that one of us deliver content, one of us monitor the chat function for questions and she would handle the break-out rooms. This worked very well for us. I don’t think that one person could have handled the various activities as efficiently and effectively as the three of us did. If you are delivering a less interactive session, with a presentation and a Q/A at the end, for example, you may not need as much help.
  3. Share who you are – Be “human and relatable” as a presenter, share your own vulnerabilities and learning, and use stories/anecdotes related to your content to provide a meaningful connection to participants. While this is true of in person training programs, it’s even more vital in virtual environments to humanize the use of technology.
  4. Relax about the things that could go wrong – Something will always go wrong, whether you are in person or virtual. I used to strive for a lot of perfection and now I am working on relaxing into being human. When the mistake or hiccup happens, just take a breath. In the grand scheme of life and what we are all facing right now in a COVID-19 world, the fact that I didn’t draw a straight line on the white board is a very small thing indeed.

COVID-19 has forced many organizations to transition to a virtual environment. When physical distancing is lifted there could be a natural pull back towards in-person vs. virtual training. If your company, like StarFish, already has remote employees, then virtual training could offer some surprising benefits over in-person training.

This blog was originally published on May 2, 2020 on the Starfish blog.

Whining is Not a Strategy!

 Whining is Not a Strategy! strategy 2 leadership emotional intelligence decision making communication appreciative inquiry

In our strategic leadership workshops, we often hear from people some version of “But so and so won’t let me …” or “I’ve complained many times about our company’s … ” or “Our organization is so messed up that …” to which we sometimes say (kindly of course  Whining is Not a Strategy! strategy 2 leadership emotional intelligence decision making communication appreciative inquiry  that “Whining is not a strategy.” If you are whining or looking at what is wrong, you cannot see opportunities and will not develop your skills. If, for example, you don’t think you are being provided with enough clarity about your job, instead of continuing to complain about or ask, over and over again, for clarity, ask yourself what you could learn about dealing with ambiguity. That will definitely lead to your next opportunity to learn and grow which is indeed a better strategy than whining!

Waiting for I’m Sorry

  Waiting for Im Sorry uncategorized negotiation forgiveness communication   
In today’s VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous) work environment, the potential for pain can be high despite the best intentions of good leaders and the actions of misguided or unprepared leaders. Stuff happens, it’s not addressed and people start to carry around a heavy load of pain and frustration.

For me the way through that is an inner journey of forgiveness which sets us free and is completely in our control. Forgiveness is a choice to recognize that those who have hurt us are human, they make mistakes, and that hanging onto our anger and sense of “what’s fair” just keeps us stuck. 

Reconciliation, while powerful, is a nice to have but because it involves communication between people is messy and complicated. Often it’s simply not possible because one party isn’t willing to do so. And if you reconcile without forgiveness you live in anticipation of the next “hurt”, an uneasy and fragile space to occupy.

Waiting for an I’m sorry or for someone to hold the offender accountable, or to reconcile with someone who’s not willing or able sucks the life out of us. Forgiveness, while indeed challenging, breathes life into us. 

And it is a choice we can make at any time.

Go First

  Go First teamwork risk taking learning leadership communication

When it comes to building or rebuilding trust, there comes a point when someone needs to have the courage to go first, let down their guard and defense mechanisms and be vulnerable. Revealing what is REALLY happening for us creates the opening for trust to be built.

We often get asked “why should I go first?” Because if you don’t, your world becomes smaller and smaller and the one who suffers is you.

Silence Is Not A Problem To Solve

  Silence Is Not A Problem To Solve learning leadership facilitation emotional intelligence decision making communication

Learning to manage anxiety in the presence of silence is another insight from the work of Weisbord and Janoff. As they suggest, “We are mindful that each time we break the silence, we deprive someone of a chance to make a valuable observation.” Waiting even 10 seconds will seem like an eternity, but it allows people to experience whatever is happening and come up with insights about what’s next.

State The Obvious

  State The Obvious leadership facilitation communication

I am a big fan of Weisbord and Janoff, creators of Future Search, and learned much about facilitation when I took their training. Their new book Lead More, Control Less applies their years of experience to leadership, and offers great insights.

One of their concepts is how to handle one’s anxiety when leading meetings. Often we try to rush to solution or tell people what to think. Stating the obvious signals you’ve heard people and actually eases your own anxiety. It also eases anxiety for others. State the obvious and pause. In my experience someone will come up with the next step for the meeting.

Letting Go Of The Right Way

  Letting Go Of The Right Way leadership decision making communication coaching   
I have had the honour of working with many talented leaders who are so people oriented that they drive themselves crazy trying to ensure people are happy. These leaders often have to make tough decisions, though, and it’s not possible for everyone to be happy all the time.

Even though intellectually I think most of these leaders know this, they still keep thinking that if they had done something different, people would be happy.

They won’t be – there is no one right way. That’s the reality of work and life – there is pain at times. Helping everyone accept this might just start to ease people’s suffering.

Tell a different story

The way we talk about our situations really does contribute to the outcome. What are your “favorite” stories and how do they help or hinder you?


Change your shoes

We can become entrenched in our attitudes and beliefs. Change viewpoints … assume you are one of your team members and watch your energy shift. If you are having difficulty with this one, find a pair of shoes that are quite different and walk around in them for a while. Symbolically this might help you shift your perspective and energy and communicate differently with your team members.

Today’s blog is based on the 4 of diamonds, a communications teamwork tip from our Teamwork Explorer.

Go on a story walk

I was inspired to read about Hubspot’s CEO, Brian Halligan, who takes employees on off site “story walks” to build trust and organizational culture.
