What more to say about today’s blog? It’s difficult to hang onto a bad mood when you play your favourite high energy music (mine is disco 😉 and dance like no one is watching!
Random acts of kindness
The random acts of kindness movement has been around for some time, and, given this is BC’s first ever Family Day, it seems right to focus on it. Have a great day everyone!
Leading through happiness 4
Today’s happiness practice is one of the more challenging ones for me. I’m a bit of a glass half empty kind of gal and my default is to see (or even make up!) negatives in any situation. Reframing things in a positive way, while challenging at times, is a practice that has made a big difference in my life.
Leading through happiness 3
The third happiness practise focuses on taking the time daily to notice what others around you are doing that contribute something to your quality of life (work life included) and acknowledging them. It’s amazing how this practise helps me “get out of myself.”
Leading through happiness 2
Continuing yesterday’s theme of happiness as central to leadership, today’s practise is a daily walk. And today is a most amazing day here in Victoria to do just that!
Leading through happiness 1
I’ve been having conversations about happiness over the last week and it reminded me of one of the best books I’ve read on leadership in some time, How Remarkable Women Lead, by Barsh, Cranston, and Lewis. Their 5 elements of centred leadership (meaning, framing, connecting, engaging, energizing) really spoke to me, in particular the concept that meaning involves identifying strengths, purpose and happiness. I’ve had to work on happiness and so I will be featuring practises over the next few blogs that have helped me cultivate happiness. Today’s is the practise of writing down 5 things at the end of each day that you appreciated about the day.
In the words of Sheryl Crow …
“It’s not having what you want. It’s wanting what you’ve got.”
Today’s visual comes from my favorite Sheryl Crow song and Chip Conley’s equation for happiness, happiness=gratitude over gratification.