Getting Over Procrastination

 Getting Over Procrastination perfectionism learning happiness emotional intelligence decision making change

I can be a procrastinator at times (even about things I want to do!) and have been thinking about the combination of things that leads me to procrastinate and how I might address that. I realized that it`s the intersection of three things … thinking that whatever I need to do is too big, too hard and that I have to do it all at once. I love blogging, for example, but if you have been following my blog you know I go through periods of regular blogging followed by no blogs for months!

I realized this past fall (after not having blogged for over six months!) that these three things were at play. So I was able to start again by telling myself to spend 10 minutes just thinking about the blog, even if I didn`t do anything else with it that day. Well, to my amazement I did an entire blog that day!

I have a work project right now that feels too big and too hard and so I am reminding myself of bigger and harder projects I have done. Then, I am committing 10 minutes towards the project. This combination seems to be working for me for now!

What are your patterns of procrastination and how have you deal with them?

Take a Break from the Backpack

 Take a Break from the Backpack uncategorized perfectionism happiness forgiveness emotional intelligence decision making   
Today’s blog is inspired by a recent book, The Best Advice in Six Words, an inspiring and provocative book full of advice from famous and not so famous authors. 

The holiday season can be full of unpleasant memories, high expectations and emotional stress. Take a break from that backpack.

Embrace what is possible from there. (Second 6 word advice  Take a Break from the Backpack uncategorized perfectionism happiness forgiveness emotional intelligence decision making

Perfectionism is the enemy of …

Perfectionism is the enemy of … almost everything – creativity, risk taking, progress, productivity, health, happiness, etc., etc. As a recovering perfectionist, I overcame many voices today and shot 4 videos in less than an hour. Thanks hubbie Dave and UberDave for all your help!
